







1 Try Everything_Owen+Tiger

2 Try Everything_Lynn+Chole

3 Try Everything_Joan+Jamie

4 Try Everything_Tommy+Lee

5 Try Everything_Alison+Lisa

(成州之英廣播電台) POP Radio 

編稿:蔡靖萱Anita、林卉娟 Millie

歌名-演唱者:Try Everything - Shakira #109.09 Try Everything


A+B : Hello, everyone, welcome back to POP radio.

A: I’m ________.

B: I’m ________.

A: From now on, we’ll meet you on air every Tuesday.
B: Yes, and we’ll share a pop song and teach you some useful English.

A: Now~~~

A+B: Let’s get into it!

播放Try Everything 0’32’’ ~ 1’05’’


A: I know this song! It’s from the movie, “Zootopia.”
B: You are right!
這首歌就是電影動物方程式的主題曲!歌名是”Try Everything”

A: “Try Everything?” 這句話好耳熟! 我常聽到英文老師對我們說: “Try again!    

B: ”Try Everything” 就是什麼都要試試看的意思!

A: Oh…. 什麼都要試試看… But….English is too difficult! 我英文每次都考超爛的

B: Hey! Don’t give up so easily! 就像是歌詞裡說的 “Birds don't just fly.”

A: Um! That’s true. 小鳥的確不是一出生就會飛!

B: Nobody learns without getting it wrong! 沒有人學習時都不犯錯的!

A: Oh, I see. 就很像是成語裡說的不經一事,不長一智。我們可以從錯誤中學習!

B: Yes, you’re smart! Just don’t give up easily!

A: Yes, sir! But…. What should I do?

B: Ummm~ You can practice more!
!! 我的確需要多多練習

B: Yes! Practice makes perfect! You can make it! 

A: Yes! I can make it! 親愛的聽眾同學們,也要持續練習英文哦!

B+A: Yes! We can make it! 我們都做得到的!


A: Okay! That’s all for today!

B: We hope you guys love the song and learn something useful!

A: Yes, and we will see you guys on air again.

B: Time to enjoy the music!

A+B: Here we go! Bye-bye.


1_Lava Song_Lisa & Melody 

2_Lava Song_Tina & Candy 

3_Lava Song_Cora & Sidney 

4_Lava Song_Andy & Lucy 

5_Lava Song_Ricky & Mia 


(成州之英廣播電台) POP Radio

編稿: 林卉娟Millie、蔡靖萱Anita

#109-1 Lava Song 火山戀曲


歌名-演唱者: Lava Song (From the movie “Lava”)


A+B : Hello, everyone, welcome back to POP radio.

A: I’m ________.

B: I’m ________.

A: It’s happy to meet everyone on air again.
B: We’ll share a pop song and teach you some useful English.

A: Now~~~

A+B: Let’s get into it!

播放Lava Song 0’00’’ ~ 0’59’’


A: This lovely song is from the Pixar movie “Lava.”
B: Lava
指的就是岩漿! 歌詞裡的男女主角也都是夏威夷火山

  volcanoIt’s a story of love and hope.

A: The song is played by ukulele. It’s very popular in Hawaii.

B: Ukulele 就是烏克麗麗,夏威夷語的意思是「到來的禮物」!

A: 故事裡的男主角Uku火山,一直等待著女主角Lele海底火山的噴發,在數千萬年的等待後,最後終於團聚了! So romantic!

B: Love and hope finally win! 唯有愛與希望能戰勝一切的困難!

A: You said it! 在疫情下的我們,也需要保持著愛與希望!

What we need is love and hope!

B:另外有趣的是,裡頭的我愛你不是唱I love you!

  而是 I lava you!lava是岩漿,表示濃烈噴發的愛火啊!

A: I lava〜〜 you〜〜〜 (用唱的)


B: 我看你情不自禁的唱了起來呢!

A: I just can’t stop singing


B: Okay! That’s all for today!

A: We hope you guys love the song and learn something useful!

B: And don’t forget “Where there is love, there is hope.”
A: Time to enjoy the music!

A+B: Here we go! Bye-bye.

