Our Learning




Our Learning

Our Learning

Student Achievement

Good quality systems for assessing and evaluating student achievement have been developed by the Principal in consultation with the Committee of School Curriculum Development and teachers. Senior leadership ensure that students are appropriately assessed against a selection of National Achievement Objectives.

New Taipei City tandardised tests, such as Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) in Mandarin, Mathematics, and English are administered for Year 5 – 6 children each year.

Senior leaders have developed an effective structure for providing a balanced curriculum and for ensuring that the curriculum is appropriately implemented. Detailed planning in year levels is a feature of the school. Learning objectives, consistent with the curriculum documents, are established each term by the teams.

Teachers demonstrate high levels of enthusiasm and professionalism and this is reflected in the excellent learning climate throughout the school. They provide highly effective frameworks of routines and expectations within which students are encouraged to work independently, develop their own initiative and take responsibility for their own learning. Teachers have a sound knowledge of individual learning needs and strengths and tailor their programs accordingly. Students are secured, happy and work purposefully. Classroom environments are vibrant and stimulating. Teachers make good use of the available space to
display a variety of student learning.


